Become a Member!


We are a progressive volunteer organization proudly serving this community, as well as the surrounding area.

Kara Bauer of VICARIOUSTYLE joins the Oregon Area Chamber of Commerce in Oregon, IL 

• We work with businesses, merchants and industry to advance the civic, cultural, economic, industrial and professional life in our community.

• Chamber members are eligible to receive a wide range of marketing benefits, designed to help them network and promote their respective business, while contributing to the local communities they serve.

• All businesses — Whether large, small, industrial, professional, specialty in nature, schools, and not for profit organizations are welcome and invited to participate.

• We’re helping bring the business community together and develop strong networking among our community to help support everyone’s business.

Select An Option

150% of annual dues at current membership level. Blackhawk Members receive additional benefits including preferred placement on website, and special recognition at Chamber sponsored events.

  • Professional (includes law firms, accountants, insurance agents, etc.) $150 + $50 for each additional professional plus $10 for each additional staff member

  • Financial (includes banking and investment businesses) Flat rate- Standard Rate $500; Blackhawk Level $750

  • Business (includes manufacturing, industrials, retail, and service businesses) $150 if no employees; $200 with 1-5 employees; $300 with 6-25 employees; $400 for 26-50 employees; $500 for 51+ employees

  • Home Based Businesses/Friends of the Chamber - $100

  • Not for Profit Organizations- $130 – - thank you for your service! 

  • Service Organizations (Community organizations: ex. Lions, Kiwanis, etc)  - $80 
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